Make and Share: Screencast

Because I got stuck on one simple step when blinging my blog, I decided to create a brief video showing what to do. I used Jing to create the video and then uploaded it to screencast. I struggled to get the microphone sound level correct.  I am not impressed that I have only a link and cannot embed it in my page here.

Blinging my blog created using Jing–just a link!

I had already created the video four times but didn’t like just having a link, so downloaded screencastomatic to my computer and recreated the video once again, so that I could post it on youtube as well as post the video here:

Make and Share: Audacity

For my second Make and Share I completed another DS106 assignment with a dramatic reading of song lyrics with a different song in the background. After it was complete, I planned to upload it to SoundCloud, but their questions made me concerned with copyright issues, so am just posting it here.  I got more familiar with Audacity with this project, although my end results are only a learning experience and of no use. My so-called dramatic reading sounds pretty nutty.The lyrics are from Happy, by Pharell Williams, found online.  The background music is Phantom of the Opera performed by The Starlite Orchestra from a CD I own called The Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber .

In response to the comment from Chris, here is the same file on Soundcloud:


Make & Share : Slidely

The DS106 Assignment Bank was a great help! For my first Make & Share assignment, I used Slidely to create a video slideshow using photos I took of a replacement deck project. Slidely also had limited music options to include. I think this stops a bit abruptly, but the only other option was to loop the photos until the music ran out. I added captions to explain what’s happening. If you watch in full screen the captions won’t block the photos. This is the result:

New Deck Project by Slidely Slideshow

. . . A day later I’ve discovered that this only plays properly on my computer. My Android tablet would not play it and my ipad played it with the wrong music. So much for Slidely!