ED659 – Screen Capture

Link to assignment instructions.

I used Jing for most of the screen captures because of the simple steps of capture, copy, paste into Word. For items that could not be captured, I did a PrintScreen and pasted into paint.net and then captured the dropdown portion from Jing. Everything was created in Word and then saved as pdfs to my Google drive.

Screen Captures:

Many students are unaware of the availability of free access to lynda.com’s many tutorials so I created instructions on how to access the site.

My second tutorial instructs how to automatically generate a Table of Contents in a Word document.

My third tutorial explains how to create a simple macro that will automate creating footers containing filenames and sheet tab names in Excel 2013.

Each of the files is shared on my Google Drive:

ED659 – Video project

Assignment details.

My project involved trying to figure out all the video settings on my smartphone. I used Camtasia 7.1 to complete this project with intros, exits, transitions, stills, video, audio tracks, and narration. The music included in the videos came from a CD of free-to-use music that Don gave me called FreePlay.

Now that I see this on my blog, I wish I had thought to color coordinate my title slides with my website…next time! I would also work on getting better examples and making sure to use HDR in low light situations.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3: